Are you prosperous? Have you thought about what it means to prosper? Most of us think money when we are asked these questions. Although money is a big piece of prosperity, there is a bigger picture. The Chinese often use the term fortunate blessings to mean success and fortune. When you have fortunate blessings, you have, among other things, success, a healthy family, a meaningful life, a safe place to live, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, as well as all the money you desire. Are you surrounded with fortunate blessings?
Feng Shui teaches us that our surroundings affect us and that we, in turn, are reflections of our surroundings. Look around you. Are you supported by your environment? Is your environment symbolic of the prosperity you want in you life?
Feng shui literally means wind water. Wind represents the unseen in our lives and water represents the seen. A gentle breeze or a meandering stream symbolize the ideal flow of chi or energy in our environments. Too little flow and air is stifling and water becomes stagnant. In other words, things are stuck. If chi is moving too fast, a hurricane or flood can result and everything goes rushing by us. In order to be balanced, be the flow and be prosperous, the flow of chi in our surroundings need to be balanced.
The first step toward prosperity is to get the stuck chi within us and around us flowing again. The main cause of being stuck is clutter. Clutter includes piles, disorganization, things you no longer need, use, or love, anything in disrepair, unfinished projects; and dirty things. All of these things distract you on at least a subconscious levelit takes energy to manage all that stuff. Clear that clutter! Look carefully at items given to you by someone who didnt want them anymorethey carry with them the energy of the previous owner and the circumstances under which the items were given to you (divorce, etc.). Take them to the dump, sell them at a yard sale or another way, or give them away. By donating unwanted items to a worthy cause, you feel good and in the process are starting that flow of prosperity moving. As you clear the clutter, do so with the conscious intention that you are doing so to make room for the new in your life, to make room for desired prosperity.
If you have rushing chi in your environment, it needs to be slowed down. Just as the chi is rushing by, so is the money. Do you live on a long straight street, or is your driveway long and straight? Is your front door opposite your back door or a stairway? Is your bedroom or office at the end of a long hall? Do you have fast moving water near you house? These are some examples of situations that are apt to have rushing chi. Shrubs and other plantings can slow down the chi rushing toward your house and can protect your house from swiftly moving water. Slow down chi and people in hallways by making them more interesting with art, mirrors (not at the end), small rugs, plants, or bookcases if space allows. As you take steps to slow down rushing chi, do it with the conscious intention that you are encouraging the chi and prosperity to slow down and support you.
Once the flow of chi is balanced, you can then apply the bagua to your
space. The bagua is a grid or template that can be superimposed upon
your property, house, apartment, room, etc. Each section of the bagua
corresponds to an area of your life. The bagua is oriented so that
the front door, or the mouth of chi is on the side of introspection/self-knowledge,
career, and helpful people/travel. Although all areas are important
to your overall balance in life, there are several that are particularly
relevant to prosperity.
The most obvious is the section or gua called Prosperity in the back left corner of your space (dont panic if you happen to be missing this area). Now that you have this area clear of clutter, put something in the space that makes you think of prosperity. Water and fish are linked to prosperity in feng shui so this is a great place for an aquarium. The element associated with this gua is wood, making this a good place for a healthy plant, especially one with rounded (avoid pointed) leaves. You could also use a painting of a prosperous looking scene, or something else that is meaningful to you. When you enhance this area with whatever you choose, do so with the conscious intention that you are doing so to bring more prosperity to your life.
Diagonally across from the prosperity comer is the Helpful People and Travel area, also referred to as Benefactors. These are the seen and unseen people and forces that support us on our journeys through our lives. Pay attention to this area also. The element associated with this gua is metal, so stones and crystals are good here. This is also a good place to have pictures of spiritual leaders and supportive friends, as well as travel photos, or something else that symbolizes who and what support you. This area also serves as a reminder to support and serve others.
The other area of the bagua that is particularly relevant to the prosperity issue is the Career section. The feng shui meaning of career is lifes journey, not necessarily your job. The element associated with this gua is watertheres that water and prosperity connection again. Water fountains are an obvious enhancement to this area. Some other enhancements for this or any area are light, plants or other living things, crystals, art, color, mirrors (be sure they are reflecting something you want to increase), wind and moving objects. Once again, choose and place with conscious intention.
If your house or office is missing one or more of these areas of the bagua, pay attention to those areas within individual rooms. For instance, if you have no prosperity corner in your house as a whole, enhance the prosperity section of each room within your house. Pay attention to desk tops and place something symbolizing prosperity in the appropriate section. Also try to complete the shape outside. A patio, garden, bird feeder or lampost in the missing corner are possibilities.
There are many depths and layers of feng shui, but if you simply clear clutter, slow down rushing chi and enhance the prosperity, helpful people, and career sections of your space, you will start to feel in the flow and be well on your way to prosperity. Rememberdo everything with conscious intention!
Fortunate blessings!
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