Money is Love: Reconnecting to the Sacred Origins of Money
by Barbara Wilder

(Baksun Books in collaboration with Dristil Press, Boulder, CO, 1998)

This little gem of a book gives a whole new perspective on love and money. While doing research for a Celtic novel, Barbara discovered the Celts related gold to sun worship and also saw it as “the link between life on Earth and life after death.” In fact, their gold route was lined by temples where gold was used for spiritual practice, not as a path of commerce as we would expect.

As she further contemplated the Money is Love concept, Barbara realized quantum physics tells us that by focusing human attention on particles of energy we can influence and change the nature of that energy. Since everything is energy, then money is energy and can be consciously directed by our thoughts. Today, money’s energy is polluted by fear, anger, greed, and a feeling that it’s dirty – a far cry from the prehistoric concept of a form of exchange that was filled with “the sacred energy of a divine creator.” Our challenge is to transmute the negative energy of money to the clean, positive power of “love, joy, abundance and goodwill”. Then money will affect how we “feel, think and behave.”

“When we change the energy around money from fear to love, we bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual world and make it possible for the unlimited abundance of the Divine to flow freely into our own lives and throughout the world.” Wilder makes the point that as we enter this new century, we are called to find new perspectives, mind-sets and new views on ancient traditions. Changing money into love is a powerful new tool for accomplishing this transformation.

In the book, she covers a brief history of money to provide a framework for the roots and evolution of money through the ages; explores the concept of money as energy; and looks at the deeply seated belief systems that support our current behavior around money, while providing tools and techniques to uncover those that affect your behavior. She then moves from individuals to a worldview of healing our planet with these concepts making the point that “money is the blood of the planet” – if “we heal the money, we heal the planet.” Barbara can be reached at 303-444-5963 or by e-mail: (Review by Judith Joyce).

Designing Your Own Indoor Water Fountain:
A catalyst for personal prosperity

by Molly Ann Keeler

(Neptune In Aquarius, New York, 1999 )

Another new perspective on prosperity is presented in this book which explores the connection between water and prosperity. By looking at the properties of water, its correlation with the moon, its definition with the feminine term “yin” in the polarity model, its having to do with receptivity and its connection to the Second Chakra which houses the bladder, lower colon and reproductive organs, Keeler begins to create her perspective on prosperity. Defining prosperity as “ the ability to create our lives so that we are able to enjoy all that life has to offer,” she offers the idea that “procreative” which has as its root “create” is another word for reproductive, hence the connection with prosperity.

Through our “Prosperity Pipeline”, which Keeler calls “the direct line to the Source of All That Is” that we all have, she illustrates “some healing perspectives on how people have felt disconnected from their creative power and their ability to easily manifest all that their hearts desire”. What slows or stops our ability to manifest is the “stuff” that is in the Pipeline. This stuff causes us to “get stuck” thus keeping us from moving forward in our lives. She explores the many ways we can attract “stuff” into our pipelines through our thoughts or beliefs, which drive the words we use and the actions we take.

The rest of this book focuses on designing indoor water fountains and how they can be catalysts for personal prosperity while connecting you with your creative power. For information on obtaining this book, contact Neptune in Aquarius, P.O. Box 2486, Peter Stuyvesant Station, New York, NY 10009; 1-800-804-7240. (Review by Judith Joyce).

The Mindful Money Guide: Creating Harmony Between Your Values and Your Finances
By Marshall Glickman

(Ballantine Wellspring, NY, 1999)

Money and conscience are often at odds. Attaining and maintaining financial health are crucial to our well-being, but all too often we do so at the expense of our principles. In The Mindful Money Guide: Creating Harmony Between Your Values and Your Finances, Marshall Glickman shares his unique, practical approach to reconciling your use of money with your ideals.

After several years as a stockbroker on Wall Street, Marshall Glickman left the fiscal stress behind and moved to the serenity of Vermont, where he reevaluated his relationship with money and began to reconcile his values with his finances. Stressing this balance in his book, Glickman offers a holistic approach to finances that will help you:

The Mindful Money Guide presents practical information about handling money in a down-to-earth tone, explaining such basic concepts as how to choose a bank; how to determine how much insurance you need – and if you need it; tax strategies; and investing in real estate, bonds, and stocks. Glickman also focuses on two crucial yet often-neglected ideas: how we can spend money thoughtfully, and how we can earn it in ways that will give us the most satisfaction.

Maintaining a truly healthy financial state isn’t easy, but you have a much better shot at staying in that ideal zone if you develop an awareness of your values and your money habits. The Mindful Money Guide is a reassuring and practical guide to a meaningful money life.

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